Thursday, September 24, 2009

Lake Eyre 2

Lake Eyre

The flight over lake Eyre was everything I had wished for. The weather was perfect, the pilot was young and cheerful and I thoroughly enjoyed the 90 minute flight. We had a flat on the camper on the way to Marree but we were able to buy a new tyre when when arrived.

Here's a selection of photos

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


These are some photos taken as we approached Parachina in the centre of a severe dust storm

Port Augusta

This is a photo taken at the caravan park in Port Augusta at 2.30 pm on 21st September at the height of a dust storm

Warren Gorge

We spent two days bush camping in this beautiful location, very few people and lots of birds. A few photos showing our camp beneath the cliffs. Uunfortunately a number of feral goats roam around the cliff top. We have also included photos of some of the cliff formations.