Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Wilmington to Laura

We spent a day travelling from Port Augusta to Wilmington where we detoured to see Hancock's Lookout - well worth the detour, the view was stunning.

We passed a building in urgent need of renovation.

The photo of the main street in Wilmington shows the width of the road to enable bullock teams to turn.

At Melrose we stopped for lunch in the cafe in a restored blacksmith's shop. We then walked a couple of kms along the Mt Remarkable Summit path which was covered in wildflowers. Before leaving Melrose we drove around the town and saw the brewery before coming across an enormous eucalyptus tree in the middle of the road, a most unusual roundabout!

We then drove on to Laura, where C.J. Dennis, 'the sentimenta bloke' spent his early years.

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