Thursday, August 12, 2010


We chose to stay at Seal Rocks Tourist Park mainly because of its location, we are opposite the ocean beach and listen to the roar of the surf in bed.

Everywhere we have been so far (apart from Bateman’s Bay and Sydney) has been very quite. It appears that not many people visit the seaside campgrounds at this time of year.

This is probably a reason why the wildlife show such an interest in our arrival. When we were setting up at Seal Rocks we attracted five Kookaburras and two bush turkeys within the first five minutes.

We were fortunate to see this Dusky Antechinus, a small endangered marsupial on our first night here. It was not bothered by our presence and waited for David to grab his camera and take a photo.

The weather changed dramatically overnight and we had a day of gale force winds and rain.

We were fortunate to find a window in the weather to undertake a walk to the Sugarloaf Lighthouse.

There were magnificent views along the way and many more when we reached the lighthouse.

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