Saturday, October 2, 2010


We are at Port Douglas and it looks as though the rainy season has started. We have been having tropical rainfalls of an evening for about a week. The days are still warm and quite humid but by no means unbearable. Still enjoying every minute; we walked around the Port Douglas Marina and shopping complex this morning. The weather is a little too unpredictable for cycling as the heavens suddenly open up and send down a deluge of torrential rain; and then just as suddenly the rain subsides and we are once again enjoying pleasurable weather conditions.

We are in a caravan park in a great position, it is only 100 metres from the main shopping strip of Port Douglas and has access to the patrolled surf beach through a gate in the back fence. The beach was closed last week when a four metre crocodile was spotted off shore but it is open for swimming again; you need to have faith in the lifesavers.

Shopping arcade, Port Douglas Marina

Faye at Port Douglas Marina

We thought this catermaran looked rather groovy

David would like like to sail this particular yacht

Faye's favourite boat at the Marina

Fan Palms in the caravan park

This is the first time I have seen a couple of palm trees sprouting, its incredible they don't need any other sustenance to grow at this stage.

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