Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Rapid Bay Deep Creek Consv Park & Goolwa

Doreen and Peter (friends we met during our 2007 outback trip) drove us to see some of their favourite places along the beautiful coastline of South Eastern South Australia. We spent the whole day sightseeing, had a picnic lunch before passing through Victor Harbour to the Murray River at Goolwa before returning to Moana at nightfall.

Rapid Bay has recently acquired a new pier to replace what is left of the original pier.

Deep Creek Conservation Park can only be accessed on foot or by 4 wheel drive vehicles to a carpark overlooking the southern ocean. The surrounding hills look like they have well maintained lawns running down to the waters edge. The beautiful isolated white sandy beach is only accessible by walking along the Heysen trail down to the shoreline.

There was plenty of birdlife around the dam wall separating the River Murray from the salt water at Goolwa.

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