Friday, November 5, 2010


We visited the bird hide at Hasties Swamp just before dusk one evening. When we arrived there were a large number of cattle egrets on the edge of the water. A little later they all flew off just prior to the arrival of approx 200 Saras Cranes flying across in front of us and landing on the far bank. It was one of those special moments as many pairs of Saras Cranes performed a courtship dance once they had landed. We were captivated.

After leaving Lake Eacham Faye discovered she had left her remote car key behind in a shop the previous day. Unfortunately it was the weekend and we had to wait until the shop opened on Monday so we decided on stay at the free campsite at Platypus Rock, Lake Tinaroo. As seen in the above photo is was another beautiful site with many ducks, egrets, cormorants and more unusual birds in the surrounding bush.

Sunset from our camper

Sunrise the following morning

We spotted a flock of the above finches on an early morning walk.

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