Friday, November 5, 2010


Innot Hot Springs is a natural mineral spring on the Kennedy Highway.
Unfortunately the formal pools are looking very neglected which is a great pity. There are a number of pools (both inside and outside) to enjoy all at different temperatures and they vary in temperature from approx 36 to 45 degrees. There is also a cold pool which is very welcome after spending time in the very hot water.

The inside pools

The outside pools

The hot springs of Nettle Creek have long been established as rejuvenating and healing. Throughout the sandy creek bed bubbles hot water. The water of the springs gets up to 75 degrees Celsius.

We walked down to the creek bed after breakfast and as can be seen in the photo above, although it was a very hot day, steam was still rising from the creek bed and it was too hot to place a hand under the water.

Our first sighting of this beautiful bird - a Buff-banded Rail

Look at the size of the claws on the .... water hen

A pale headed parrot

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