Friday, November 5, 2010


Malandra Falls, Atherton Tablelands, Queensland

We spotted many tortoises on our walk

We often stop on our walks to look at the patterns formed by trees and vines in their effort to survive in the crowded rain forest.

We gave this indigenous reptile RIGHT OF WAY when we spotted it beside the walking track and waited until it was well out of view before proceeding.

Tamarillo Tree

Paw Paw Tree

The groundsperson at Malandra who walked with us to show us the green ringtail possum he had spotted earlier in the morning. We were fortunate he was on duty as he had detected it earlier that morning with his keen sense of smell.

The Green Ringtail Possum has greenish coloured soft and thick fur due to a mixture of black, grey, yellow and white hairs. The tail has a thick base and is shorter than the head and body.

The Green Ringtail Possum has a distinguished resting posture. It sleeps curled in a tight ball, gripping the branch with one or both hind feet, and sitting on the base of its coiled tail, with its forefeet, face and tip of the tail tucked tightly into its belly. David was able to catch this on video.

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